Postpartum Offerings
During postpartum the mother needs the same loving care that the newborn needs. She has just been born into a new body as well. She needs deep rest, warmth, nourishing food, loving touch, comfort & safety. She needs to be cared for, so, she can care for her new baby.
Each passage through birth and into motherhood is a journey into the unknown, with new hopes, expectations, and demands. Although newborns are showered in kisses, praise, and gifts, most women receive little special attention and nurturing during this time.
Our society has forgotten the ancient truth of “when a baby is born, a mother is also born.”
Many mothers when given the time to express their intimate feelings about the period after birth share that they wished they had been more prepared, felt more supported, rested more, ate better & had someone to talk to about their challenges.
I believe that preparing for postpartum is equally as important as preparing for birth.
This postpartum package is for mothers that want to feel fully supported and nourished during their postpartum period.
As your postpartum doula I focus on your physical, mental & emotional needs during this very important time in your life. I believe that when a mother feels calm, supported and nourished in all senses, she transitions into this period of her life with more ease, feeling more confident in herself and her baby. She also can focus on what truly matters: resting and bonding with her newborn.
What can you expect during the postpartum visits?
I’ll come to your house for about 2 hours each visit. I’ll make you some healing herbal teas / infusions. I also help around with small household tasks or help you take care of baby.
We’ll finish the visit with one hour of relaxation and our healing practice of the day.
Which postpartum healing practices will we do during the postpartum visits?
Warming oil womb massages
Foot & leg massages
Warm herbal foot baths
Castor oil packs
Herbal yoni steams
Bekung belly binding
Closing of the bones with rebozo
Postpartum yoga & healing movements for pelvic floor
What does this package include?
This package includes 6 total Postpartum Visits (1 per week for 6 weeks).
A Mama is Born Package
Price: AWG 900,-
(Option to pay in installments)
Is a package not really your thing?
No problem!
I also offer Individual Healing Postpartum Sessions.
During these sessions your body, mind & soul will be nurtured with loving intention and care in the cozyness of my studio. I will welcome you with a healing herbal tea, while we discuss your birth & postpartum story. Afterwards you’ll do a yoni steaming and we’ll finish off the session with a healing womb massage and a “Closing of the Bones” ceremony.
Each session lasts 1 .5 hours and is held in our cozy studio in Santa Cruz. Sessions can be held at the comfort of your home for an extra AWG 35,-.
What is a Closing of the Bones ceremony?
Closing of the bones is a healing postpartum ceremony.
Created to nurture the mother after her passage through giving birth, and her journey into motherhood, it is setting of a sacred space, and way to nurture her physically and emotionally as she goes about her enormous work of motherhood.
It consists of an oil massage of the abdomen and uses fabric (a Mexican scarf called a robozo) to rock, bind and close the pelvis. It is a traditional ritual used in Ecuador and other parts of Central and South America after women have given birth to support their postnatal recovery.
Until which month of postpartum can I take a healing postpartum session?
Does not matter!
Research shows that the mental, physical, emotional & spiritual side effects of postpartum can be felt even up to two years after childbirth. I believe that it can be much longer and even for life!
All mothers that want to bring a proper closure to their birth & postpartum journey/experience are therefore welcome.
Healing Postpartum Sessions
1 Session: AWG 145,-
2 Sessions: AWG 280 ,-
Some of the ancient, healing & holistic postpartum practices I will be using as your Postpartum Doula:
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies involve using natural plants and herbs to support the postpartum healing process. These remedies can include teas, tinctures, and supplements that help with relaxation, hormone regulation, and overall wellness. The holistic benefits include promoting lactation, reducing inflammation, boosting energy levels, and supporting emotional well-being.
Yoni Steaming & Sitz Baths
Yoni steaming and sitz baths are both ancient and healing practices. Yoni steaming involves sitting over a steaming herbal infusion, while sitz baths involve soaking the lower body in a warm herbal bath.. They have been proven to help cleanse, soothe, and heal the perineal area, reduce swelling, and promote relaxation and emotional well-being in postpartum mama’s.
Postpartum massages are a nurturing way to restore the body and provide emotional support. Massages help relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, promote relaxation, and reduce stress. Womb massages promote a faster recovery of the uterus. They can also aid in healing perineal tears or cesarean section scars.
Bekung Belly Binding
Bekung belly binding is a traditional practice where a long cloth or wrap is used to tightly bind the abdomen postpartum. Belly binding provides support to the core muscles, promotes healing, and helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy position. It can also offer a sense of security and comfort, aiding in postpartum recovery.
Castor Oil Pack
A castor oil pack involves applying a warm cloth soaked in castor oil to the abdomen. . Castor oil packs are believed to support detoxification, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion. They can also be beneficial for postpartum healing by relieving pain, promoting tissue recovery, and supporting uterine health.
Foot Baths
Foot baths are a simple yet soothing practice that can be enjoyed alone or with a partner. Foot baths can be accompanied by soft music, candlelight, or petals, enhancing the experience. Soaking the feet in warm water infused with essential oils or herbs promotes relaxation, relieves fatigue, improves circulation, and can help alleviate postpartum swelling and discomfort.