Womb Health

As a Full Spectrum Doula & Feminine Health Guide I am specialized in guiding & supporting women during all the phases of motherhood & womanhood in a holistic, natural & spiritual way.

Think About: Miscarriages, Abortion, Infertility, Menstrual Cycle Issues, Hormonal Imbalances, Uterine Diseases etc.

My two main offerings for these issues and challenges are Womb Healing Sessions and/or Yoni Steaming Sessions.

What is Womb Health?

As women, our wombs and uteri serve as mirrors, reflecting the state of our general well-being. Our wombs are an energetic storage center where a lot of pain, trauma & emotions can be stored. As a holistic practitioner I believe and have personally experienced, that most physical ailments are connected to an energetic imbalance in the body. When our energetic, emotional and spiritual body is out of balance it will most of the time manifest itself in a physical dis-ease or complication.

Many women across generations have found themselves feeling completely disconnected from not only their womb’s & womanly cycles, but also their own emotional state and spirits. This disconnection has had a profound impact on their overall health, leading to an alarming increase in womb-related diseases and issues like extremely painful menstrual cycles, infertility, uterine diseases etc.

As women of a new earth, women that are breaking generational patterns, it is crucial for us to understand the deep significance of maintaining a harmonious connection with our wombs, bodies, cycles, and spirits. By doing this we will cultivate and nurture our optimal physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health .

Women that feel completely embodied & connected with all aspects of their womanhood are the mothers, sisters & daughters we need to become. It is in my opinion that only then can we bring more love, healing & softness into this world.

Womb Healing Sessions

The Womb Healing Sessions are designed to support women and mothers in all the below (scroll down) mentioned challenges & experiences. But also for any other woman that feels the call and need to connect deeper with herself, her body and her feminine expression.

Each woman is unique, each journey is unique and so each Womb Healing Session is also uniquely personalized to each woman’s wants and needs in her personal journey.

For women wanting to dive DEEP into the healing of their feminine body (hormones & cycles), mind & spirit in a holistic, natural and spiritual manner a Womb Healing Journey consisting of 4 sessions is recommended to begin with.

The Womb Healing Sessions generally last two hours and they are held in Mama of Light Studio located in Santa Cruz.

Which holistic & healing practices can you expect to receive and experience during these sessions?

  • A safe space to express all your emotions and feelings.

  • Guided Womb Connection meditations.

  • Breathing Exercises

  • Herbal Remedies

  • Movement and Yoga

  • Energetic Release Yoni Steaming (these sessions are also offered individually)

  • Sound Bath Healing for Sacral Chakra

  • Womb Massages

  • Castor oil Packs to release uterine toxins

  • Closing of the Bones Ceremony

  • Guidance on natural contraception methods

  • Guidance about how your cycle works, how to connect with it and how you can support it best

  • Guidance on how to adapt your daily life to support your Feminine Nature

Prices and Packages

  • 1 session AWG 125,-

  • 2 sessions AWG 240,-

  • 3 sessions: AWG 350,-

  • 4 sessions: AWG 470,-


I am not a medical practitioner. I do not claim to heal you from any of these issues and challenges. I serve as a mere energetic vessel to guide you in your personal experience with the holistic, natural and spiritual tools I have acquired in my own personal journey and studies throughout the years.

Yoni Steaming Sessions

Yoni steaming also known as vaginal steaming or “baño di sodo” in Papiamento is an holistic practice originating from ancient Egypt. It involves sitting over a steaming pot of water infused with herbs and flowers for vaginal and uterine health. This ritual is embraced for its holistic and spiritual benefits within feminine wellness.

It’s a practice that ALL women from the menstruating age to perimenopause and menopause can benefit from.

The Yoni Steaming Sessions generally last one hour and are held in Mama of Light Studio. You will be welcomed with a healing herbal tea and after our 15 min intake you will be guided through the yoni steaming itself with a relaxing breathwork and meditation.

Why would you do it and what are the benefits?

Yoni steaming is loved and embraced by many women around the world for its potential to enhance feminine well-being by promoting balance, regulating menstrual cycles, and connecting with one’s body and feminine energy on a deeper level.

Here are some benefits of this beautiful practice:

  • Menstrual Health: Yoni Steaming can help regulate menstrual cycles, regulate hormones, reduce menstrual pain and support overall menstrual health. Yoni Steaming helps treat physical symptoms of menopause.

  • Reproductive Wellness: Yoni Steaming cleanses, detoxifies and revitalizes the womb. It boosts low libido and aids in infertility.

  • Pregnancy & Postpartum Care: Yoni Steaming from 38 weeks of pregnancy and up has been testified by many women to have helped with an easier delivery because of its tightening and strengthening properties. It is also a wonderful postpartum practice to aid in healing after birth. Think about: vaginal tearing, scarring from C-sections and episiotomies.

  • Emotional Healing: Yoni Steaming offers a sacred space for relaxation, self-care, and emotional release, fostering a deeper connection with oneself.

  • Spiritual Connection: Many women find that Yoni Steaming enhances their spiritual practices, allowing for introspection, mindfulness, and a sense of empowerment and embodiment.


1 session, 1 woman: AWG 75,-

1 session, 2 women: AWG 140,-


I am not a medical practitioner. I do not claim to heal you from any of these issues and challenges. I serve as a mere energetic vessel to guide you in your personal experience with the holistic, natural and spiritual tools I have acquired in my own personal journey and studies throughout the years.

My perspectives on:

Miscarriages, Child-loss, Abortion

Going through a miscarriage, losing a baby or choosing to abort a baby is a very emotional and mentally challenging moment in a woman’s life. We have been conditioned to never talk about these topics as they are considered a taboo in our community. But it’s time to break this stigma.

If these experiences and emotions (which are very normal in many women’s lives) are not properly processed, they can have a severe impact on a woman’s mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being without her even knowing. They can manifest in physical diseases or even block an upcoming desired pregnancy.

During my Womb Healing Sessions I guide a woman through different holistic practices to heal from this/these truly life-altering experiences.

A safe space is created so you can express all your emotions and feelings. We finish off with a healing and nurturing womb release ceremony.


Are you struggling to conceive a baby?

I am here to tell you, after the many stories I have heard and personal experiences I’ve had:

I don’t believe in infertility.

When a woman or couple cannot conceive a baby naturally it’s because most of the time there is something much deeper going on. Think about: unprocessed family trauma, past birth experiences, energetic womb blockages, sexual trauma, toxic partners, fears and inner doubts, hormonal imbalances etc.

Every physical dis-ease/imbalance is connected with something energetic. As within, so without.

During my Womb Healing Sessions we go through a serious debrief to find out what can be blocking you from welcoming in a baby into your life, we also do different holistic and energetic practices to bring healing to your womb. For this specific issue it is recommended to book a minimum of 3 sessions.

Uterine Diseases & Imbalanced Menstrual Cycles

Womb diseases such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, uterine cysts and/or monthly menstrual cycles that are extremely painful and/or irregular, are connected to something much deeper.

Most of the time they have a root cause in a woman’s relationship with her body, her monthly cycle and/or unprocessed pain and trauma that is stored deep within her womb. In my work through the years I have encountered women who have suffered from these intense diseases or that have completely irregular monthly cycles. Most of the time it was energetically connected to one of these circumstances:

  • Women who have been in very abusive relationships.

  • Women who have had many sexual partners.

  • Women that have experienced some type of sexual trauma

  • Women that are completely disconnected from their menstrual cycles and don’t even understand how their bodies work and how they can support it best.

  • Women that are completely disconnected from their feminine energy.

  • Women that are or have been on hormonal contraceptive.

During my Womb Healing Sessions I guide women through the holistic, energetic and spiritual ways that can contribute to healing these physical imbalances. All sessions are uniquely tailored to each woman’s specific journey.

For this/these specific topics it is recommended to book a minimum of 3 sessions.

  • Testimonial

    From the moment a met Roxanne i felt a sisterly connection. As i shared a little of my personal challenges she advised me intuitively to start a journey of womb healing.

    She taught me how we as women, have all our emotions/trauma’s stored in our womb. And we have to be in tune with our wombs. Even though i am not a pregnant woman, she taught me the importance of having both my masculine and feminine energy in balance.

    Her energy and pure love made me feel safe, that i could be completely myself and i felt a love i have never felt before. A sister love where we as women to not compete each other but we lift each other and heal together. I am forever grateful to have had these sessions with her as I got to know myself better and started making my own choices to heal and become the best version of myself.


  • Testimonial

    The best of the island! I did my first ever Yoni Steaming with Roxanne a few days ago and it was such a beautiful experience. She gave really good explanation about what it is, what the benefits are, and most importantly let me feel very comfortable during the whole process.

    I will definitely be making this a monthly thing!
